
 St. Agnes School is a Catholic community centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ and strengthened by the partnership between parents, who are the primary educators of our students, and our dedicated teaching staff.

We believe in the mission to educate our students so that they become loving Christians, inspired learners, outstanding achievers, natural communicators, and strong servants of God.

At Saint Agnes Catholic School, we believe that in guiding the students’ spiritual, academic, and emotional areas, we will prepare them to embrace life’s challenges and strive for personal excellence in the example of Jesus Christ.

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations….
Teaching them to carry out everything I have commanded you.” ….Matthew 28:19-20

These words of Christ addressed to the apostles at the Ascension bestowed on the Church the office of teacher. Obedient to this divine challenge, the Church provides education permeated with the spirit of Christ and dedicated to promoting the full development of the human person. The two-fold goal of Catholic schools is to provide an environment which will foster rich religious training as well as solid academic education in a Catholic value-oriented manner.

Arlington Diocese Bishop Michael Burbidge recently shared his thoughts about Catholic education, including the following quote from Pope Benedict XVI :

“You form new generations not only in knowledge of the faith, but in every aspect of what it means to live as mature and responsible citizens in today’s world.”….Pope Benedict XVI, 17 September 2010, Address of the Holy Father to Teachers and Religious

Academic excellence in a Christ-centered community

Saint Agnes Catholic School
2024 North Randolph Street
Arlington, VA 22207-3031
Office: 703.527.5423