Music and Arts

Band Practice takes place on Thursdays.

Saint Agnes offers a robust program for the arts:

Art. Students receive weekly instruction in art, developing an appreciation for a variety of media. Studies include exploring portraiture, sculpting, pottery, iconography, and calligraphy.

Music. A staff music instructor provides weekly music lessons for all grades. Students develop an appreciation for a variety of instruments. The Christmas Prayer Service and spring music program highlight the students’ progress.

Band. Students in grades 4-8 are eligible for band. Concerts are held each winter and spring.

Residence program.Each year Saint Agnes hosts a week-long residence program of theatre. This residency culminates in a production by the students.

Fine Arts Night. Held in the spring semester, Fine Arts Night showcases the talents of the Upper School students, including poetry, sculpture, iconography, and podcasts.

Academic excellence in a Christ-centered community

Saint Agnes Catholic School
2024 North Randolph Street
Arlington, VA 22207-3031
Office: 703.527.5423