Parent Activities

The Saint Agnes PTO is a vibrant organization that allows parents to participate in social events, support faculty and staff, and raise funds for special programs and projects in the school.  You can reach the PTO here:

President: Lynda Flippin (
Vice-President: Doug Cuthbertson
Secretary: Marisa Madigan
Treasurer: Trenholm Boggs

The PTO provides:

  • a channel of communication between parents and the school administration
  • educational opportunities for students, parents, and faculty
  • social events for students and their families
  • school-related activities to benefit students and faculty
  • fundraising opportunities

Communication. The PTO has four meetings each year attended by the pastor, principal, assistant principal, and parents. The PTO assists the school in communicating to parents via regular email and emergency telephone procedures.

Educational opportunities. Saint Agnes and the PTO are committed to providing educational opportunities for students, parents, and faculty.  The PTO funds Enrichment Programs for students and professional development for teachers as well as supplies and educational aids for classrooms.  The PTO has hosted recent speakers on the topics of safety on the internet and bullying.

Social events. The PTO hosts several social events throughout the year, including back-to-school cocktail parties, a father-daughter dance, and a fitness event such as a Fun Run or dad’s basketball game. New families are welcomed by a host family along with social events prior to the school year.

Fundraising. The primary PTO fundraising event is the annual school auction — not only is this night a fabulous fundraiser, but also a terrific community-builder. Capacity crowds attend, raising thousands of dollars to support activities at school. The PTO also raises money through an annual golf tournament, 5K fun run, and box tops and grocery rewards programs.

Activities and projects. Recent PTO-sponsored projects include building a new playground for use by the entire Saint Agnes Parish community, purchasing computers and other technology resources for the school, and funding Enrichment activities.

Volunteers. Parent volunteers are welcome both during and after school. Parents assist during the school day in the classroom, in the library, and in the lunchroom. After school, parents organize Enrichment programs and monthly Virtue service projects, coach sports teams, and lead Cub Scout or Brownie troops.

Family support. The PTO provides support to families in times of need, including the birth of a new baby, illness, or other time of crisis. The school community provides meals, runs errands, and helps however is needed.

Academic excellence in a Christ-centered community

Saint Agnes Catholic School
2024 North Randolph Street
Arlington, VA 22207-3031
Office: 703.527.5423